Mix & Match | Create your unique Graduation Bouquet

How do I place an order for a Plush Toy Bouquet?

  1. Step 1:
    Browse our Graduation Bouquet collection & at your preferred bouquet's  page - click "Add To Cart" 
    *Take note of the product description on the size of plush toy suitable for your bouquet 

  2. Step 2:
    Browse the Graduation Plush Toy collection, & at your preferred Soft Toy's page - click "Add To Cart"

  3. Step 3:
    Any additional items for the graduate?
    Here is our additional Graduation Gifts collection - Graduation Helium Balloons, Flower Toppers, or even Sash available!  

  4. Step 4:
    Go to your Cart, follow through with the process (system will prompt you for all necessary details - Delivery / Collection Options, Addresses, etc. Payment will be on the last page so don't worry - the system will give a summary of all details before payment! 

    &  YOU ARE DONE! 
    An automated confirmation email will be sent to email address provided within minutes, please do check your Junk /Spam too! 


For plush toys which are suitable to be included in the chosen bouquet (will be stated in the product description), we will by default include it in your bouquet!

If selected plush toy is too large to be included in the chosen bouquet (will also be stated in the product description) - it will be gift wrapped and sent alongside the bouquet of your choice! 


Still need any assistance? Feel free to drop us a WhatsApp message at +65 9639 5282 and we'll be here to help!